Saturday, December 26, 2020

The NEW Hope to New Hope 200K

Ever hopeful for a better new year, we are indeed running a New Hope 2 New Hope 200K brevet on 2 January 2021 starting from a new location: The Pohatcong Shopping Plaza in Phillipsburg, NJ. Start time is at 7AM. All the information, and an online registration link, are on the event web page.  You will find a link to the RWGPS data for the route (last modified 2020-12-27 09:55:30 EST) and links to cue sheets (version 6 is the latest).

Park away from active stores down by the Movie Theater. There are numerous drive-in joints, gas stations, and even a Wawa in this plaza if you need anything, but the idea is that you will show up self-sufficient and have some personal supplies stashed in your car. The course is a figure 8 and you will return to your car at Pohatcong after each loop.

Many services can be found near the Start/Finish

The turnaround control for the Northern loop is the Dunkin Donuts at the I-80 interchange just beyond Hope, but riders seeking a quick cup of coffee at a lower traffic location might better choose the US Gas convenience store passed twice just a mile South of the turnaround, as the DD can sometimes be very crowded. 

The Southern loop passes twice through all the Delaware River towns providing many options for service. If seeing the water flowing in the river, and all that coffee you drank, is making you seek a rest room, consider stopping at Bull Island Rec Area (mi 78.7 and 94.2). There are rest rooms located on the right side of the main office building. In the winter, these rest rooms are relatively low traffic.

All riders must be a paid-up member of RUSA at the time of the event, so be sure to renew your RUSA membership for 2021 before you register. If your membership expires in 2020 the system will refuse you. You can join or renew RUSA membership here. PA Rando membership is not required for riding this event, but to promote PA membership this new-year event is traditionally FREE for PA Rando Members. If you were a PA member in 2020, you were automatically renewed for 2021 and this event will be automatically free for you.

Under pandemic rules, all intermediate controls are info controls. It is not required to enter any business to complete this 200K, although there are several stores available along the route if you choose this option. Masks are generally required at the start/finish and to enter businesses if you choose to do this.

The start and finish extend during night hours. The organizer will strictly enforce the rules regarding lighting and reflective gear.

There was a pre-ride of this event on 23 December. On that day, the roads in question seemed in great shape. Famous last words. Always be aware of the possibility of black-ice when the temperatures are near or below freezing. It's also common to find debris on winter roads, so be on the lookout for rocks, unexpected potholes, and ice clumps. 

You will pass by your car after each loop.

The figure 8 shape of the course has a common exit on Greenwich St from the Pohatcong Shopping Center start/mid-control. Soon after the start, when you reach the flashing light in Stewartsville you will turn LEFT for the first (northern) loop. Then when you ride out Greenwich St the second time to the flashing light in Stewartsville, you will turn RIGHT for the final (southern) loop. This repeated segment is sure to confuse your GPS device, so please use your human brain and Cue Sheet Posititioning System to navigate out of the start of both loops and make sure you do the North loop first. If you want to ride the loops in reverse order, come back for the event next month when we'll do South loop first.

Bonne route!

Chris Nadovich

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Ride Report: Little Britain Redeux

 The December R12 brevet continued a long-standing tradition of "epic" rides that cap off our cycling season.  Seven hearty riders clipped in.  Six completed the route for an 86% finish rate.  Results are posted on the website.  Please review your results to confirm they match your recollection.  I will submit results to RUSA later this week to finalize them.

While it looked like the day would be a washout, the forecast began to improve on Friday and by Saturday morning the rain was subsiding.  Our timing was near perfect.  Indeed as riders zoomed down Bell Rd the line of rain was clearly visible just east of the route--maybe as close as a half-mile to the east.  It was obvious that it had been raining on the route mere moments before.  In spite of several recurring bits of darkening skies, the rain stayed away for the day.  The price for staying dry, however, was a strong and persistent wind from the north which forced everyone to dig deep, fight their inner demons, and keep turning those pedals over no matter how slowly.  The winds made the ride from the southern tip at Little Britain to the northern tip in Wommelsdorf (nearly 70 miles) seem like an entire brevet in itself.  More than one person remarked that abandoning at the mid-way control was considered.  

First finishers Gavin Biebuyck and Bill Fischer had this to say:

Brutal winds!  Bill and I almost called it quits when we got back to the start but had some let-up and shelter up past Middle Creek.  Still a very tough day but I liked doing the southern loop first. Let me know if you want gps EPP but mine will be identical to Bill's. We were so impressed George and Christian were riding solo in those winds.  Christian caught up with us early but he wanted to ride alone a few hundred feet back I think probably COVID cautious - but poor guy in those winds cause' we would have loved to draft George!  Anyway hope you had some shelter riding with/behind someone!

No promises, but I am seriously considering offering the option of electronic proof of passage (EPP) as part of our pandemic procedures for future brevets.  It certainly simplifies finish protocol.

George Metzler writes:

Thank you for organizing the brevet.  I had a great ride.  Temperatures really dropped towards the end.  However I stayed comfortable the entire day.  I saw Bill and Gavin leaving headed back in as I was several miles from the Wommelsdorf turn around.  

George pulled off the catch-up of the day.  He left the Little Britain control with the last group on the road and pulled to within 40 minutes of the leaders mostly on a solo charge into the wind.  Very impressive day.  Chappeau!

Conditions were more than Ron Anderson had anticipated; he wisely chose to abandon his effort at the mid-way control.  

Thanks for doing what you could to help me get around yesterday and sorry if I spoiled the club's 100% finish rate. I checked Chris's SPOT tracker, and it looks like you guys must have gotten it done with plenty of time to spare. 

If I'm going to get back to some of these rando rides it seems like I'll need to put in a little more effort to get some strength and fitness back.

Aspiring soigneur Ron set a high standard for the self-supported, well fed randonneur:

Ron Anderson's Well-Stocked Musette

Says Chris Nadovich:
I really liked the reversed Little Britain 200K although I can't say the same for that Lancaster County wind -- my goodness what wind! With the corn all down it just sweeps through that farmland unimpeded. I saw puddles with whitecapped waves, birds flying backwards, and cows tumbling across the fields (only kidding about the cows). And all that "fresh air" did not seem to diminish the "honey" aroma. Eeeew!

Although it felt like 2/3 of the riding hours were into a cold headwind, it certainly could have been worse -- way worse. As I drove in from Easton, it was pouring rain almost all the way to the start. And then suddenly the sun comes out just in time for the ride to begin. As we started off, we could see areas in the distance where the rain was still coming down, but not a drop fell on us all day. The wind blew it all away!

Thanks again for a "blast" of a route and congratulations to all the other brave riders who considered the various dire forecasts and still clipped-in to battle the Lancaster wind on a glorious December day.

I owe a huge thank you to Chris for providing motivation for two while my mental mojo was in the cellar.  I'm not sure I would have finished otherwise.

This brings the 2020 Pennsylvania Randonneurs brevet season to a close.  This was the year that almost wasn't as we had to cancel nearly half of our planned events, including the fleche and the SR series.  While we are surely happy to put 2020 in the rearview mirror, the start of 2021 will likely see our pandemic protocols remaining for a while.  Winter brevets typically see last-minute adjustments due to weather, so pandemic related adjustments or cancellations shouldn't be anything new.  

The 2021 season kicks off with a route figure 8 route starting in Phillipsburg, NJ, the New Hope to New Hope Next on January 2.  Event details are available on the website.  As has been our tradition, the January brevet is free to active members of Pennsylvania Randonneurs.  Due to the forced suspension of brevets for much of 2020, active members in 2020 have been extended through 2021.  You can check your status on the website using the Join/Renew link at the top of the page.  Once identified you can see the expiration date of your Pennsylvania Randonneurs membership.  You can also use your log in credentials to access the site; your membership expiration is reported in the upper right.

Until next year....

Andrew Mead
Eastern PA RBA

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

December R12 Brevet: Little Britain Redeux

*** Dec. 2 Update ***

Though I'm not usually one to put much faith into weather forecasts, forecast conditions for Saturday continue to deteriorate.  The NWS as of Wednesday afternoon calls for lots of rain (3/4 - 1-inch) and temperatures in the low to mid-40s.  The weather combined with the Little Britain route itself will make for a challenging day in the saddle.  Please be sure your bike is in tip-top shape and your rain gear will keep you as comfy as you need to be to ride.  

*** Original Post ***

Initial plans to introduce newer riders to one of the original Lancaster County brevet routes were scrapped when the new infection rate for COVID-19 took a sharp turn upward following Halloween and Election Day.  The Loop Around Lancaster route was always a crowd favorite, but its large loop architecture is not conducive to fully self-supported events.  Instead the December brevet will use the Little Britain route with its Figure-8 layout that allows riders to visit their vehicles at the midway point.  Instead of the usual northern loop first running, we will ride the southern loop first.  This should provide an opportunity for riders to see the views they were missing in that final stretch from lower Conowingo Rd, often ridden after sunset.  

You will return to the shopping center where the start-finish control and your vehicle is located around mile 71.  You can replenish supplies from a stash in your vehicle or you can take advantage of the food options at the center.  That's up to you.  The control itself will be an information control which does not require entry into any establishment to answer.  The northern control is at a Turkey Hill C-store.  It is an info control, but you can replenish supplies if needed.  Its a short jaunt back to the finish without major climbs (I didn't say flat).

As of mid-November I am still planning to use a group start procedure. This could change based on changes in recommended pandemic protocols or if the field grows appreciably over 10 riders.  I will make an announcement before the event if the free start protocol will be used.  If free start is used, I do NOT anticipate starting anyone prior to 7:00 am.  If you want to refresh yourself on the free start protocol, see Chris' Free Bridge post.  The only change is that there is no bridge separating parking from my start location.  I'll be operating from the back of my van as usual.  Walk up when you're ready to roll, drop off your signed waiver, receive your card and smile for the camera.  There will also be a container of energy bars and bottled water should you wish to grab something for later. 

You can review a summary of our pandemic protocols in the Riding in a Pandemic blog post.  

In addition to the logistical protocol recommendations for brevets, please respect the CDC recommendations for quarantine and isolation in this pandemic.  If you are experiencing symptoms (people I know who've been infected all comment about losing sense of smell and taste), if you have been in close contact with someone who is infected (you'll likely know this though a contact tracing phone call), or if you are confirmed infected and it has been less than 10 days from the onset of symptoms (or whatever the specific isolation guidance you were provided requires), please stay home, relax, and plan for the next brevet.  Your randonneuring friends and I will thank you.

Andrew Mead
Eastern PA RBA

Monday, November 9, 2020

Hawk Mountain Ride Report

What a difference a week makes.  The weather for Saturday's Hawk Mountain brevet was just about perfect regardless of the season.  Considering this is November, I don't see how it could have been any better.  Clear skies, moderate temperatures, and low winds, what could be better? Fifteen riders clipped in on Saturday and fifteen returned within the allotted time for a 100% completion rate.  Results have been posted on the website and will be submitted to RUSA later this week.  Please let me know if these results don't align with your recollection.

The field consisted of many seasoned randonneurs, some of whom are veterans of the route, and two rookies.  Congratulations go to newly minted PA randonneurs Karl Chen and Christian Mailloux for their accomplishment.  Hawk Mountain is typically Pennsylvania Randonneurs challenging.  It may not have Fox Gap, but near-constant terrain undulation connecting two significant climbs means its no cakewalk.  First finishers Chris Bella and Chris Maglieri blazed around the route just 5 minutes slower that the official course record.  Given the minor variations occurring in the route over the years, 5 minutes is not much difference.  All other finisher arrived well within the time limit with smiling faces and weary legs.  It's really hard not to be happy with 70s and sunshine for a bike ride in November.

Says Joe Ray:

Thanks to you and the crew for such a fine, challenging day yesterday.  This was my first time on this route, and I was ready for it to be over around Lickdale control, but having met up with Rudi a bit earlier we managed to get it done and enjoy some more scenery including a terrific sunset.

Hawk Mountain ahead!
Photo by Joe Ray

Iwan Barankay had these comments:

Thank you for a classic and historic brevet. Classic as it started and finished from the back of a sedan. It was my first time riding this brevet and that climb was loooong. Historic for all of our phones buzzing and ringing at about noon which is why I posted my ride as the Biden Harris 200k. Even for a non-partisan club, it was hard to escape the wide variation in mood between the riders on the road and the customers at the Turkey Hills along the route. It seems like global warming will extend the riding seasons further and further and I look forward to a balmy December ride.

Chris Nadovich writes:

I believe I've ridden this course 5 times, and although there have been more memorable laps (like that time I chain-ringed a Guinea Foul) no lap around this course has been more pleasant.  The views of the pastoral Autumn countryside were amazing. 

Of interest is that Iwan and Nick Manta decided to ride to the start of the brevet and logged 75 miles before they set out on the brevet.  Chapeau to you both.

Finally, thanks to my willing volunteers George Metzler and Steve Kraybill for staffing the finish control. I could not have done this without them.

We can all hope that the pandemic will be but a memory the next time we use this route so we can gather at the St. Boniface brewery for time of refreshment and the stories of epic adventure.

Next up is another perennial favorite, The Loop Around Lancaster on December 5.  Details are up on the website and registration is open.  I would recommend waiting before downloading the route or cuesheet.  I am investing another variation in the route which I hope to confirm next weekend.  I also plan to conduct a quality assurance visit of the recently reopened Pancake Farm on my course checkout ride.  Check this board and the website for updated details.

Andrew Mead
Eastern PA RBA

Monday, October 26, 2020

November R12 Brevet: Hawk Mountain 200k

Pre-Ride Update Notes

A Halloween course checkout pre-ride was conducted by George Metzler, Ralph Miller, and yours truly.  The route itself is in good shape not considering all of the scary sights alongside the road.  Some people go all out with their decorations.

The cue sheet has been updated to incorporate a few tweaks.  Make sure you have the version generated on 11/1/2020.  

A few notes:

8.6      This RR crossing is bottle dropping rough.
12.5    Watch for slippery leaves on the road and deer standing in the road.
15.6    This, too, if a very rough RR crossing.
21.3    The risks of the long, open grate bridge cannot be overstated.  Please use caution.
45.7    The Kempton control does not have public restrooms.  The Sheetz at mile 33.8 does.
50.9    There is water available at the Eckville AT Shelter.  The tap is located on the side of a small house next to the porch.  All other facilities at the shelter (including a toilet) are closed. The shelter is easy to miss if you're not looking for it.  The sign announcing the shelter is only viewable by looking back down the hill (the direction wary hikers approach)

52.5    There will likely be lots of leaves on the road.  If not, there will be a lot of ground leave debris on the road.  Both are slick.  This descent features several tricky corners.  Please don't leave your guardian angel behind.

60.3    There is a HUGE pothole encroaching the shoulder just past the Auburn Mini-Mart.  It was water-filled on the pre-ride which masked the its presence.  And its perils.  Depth soundings were inconclusive.

79.0    You will be on the main drag in Pine Grove when you depart the control.  Traffic may be heavy, but everyone is driving slowly.  Just take your time and stay alert here.

85.6    This section features fast traffic.  The shoulder varies from a foot to full-lane.  The fog line is also a rumble strip.  Please be careful in this stretch and look far ahead to anticipate obstructions in the shoulder ahead so you can check behind before moving into the lane.

Hawk Mountain remains one of my personal favorites.  It is challenging but rewards one's efforts with several scenic vistas.  See you Saturday.

Andrew Mead
Eastern PA RBA

Original Post

The November R12 brevet heads west to Lancaster County for the Hawk Mountain 200k on November 7.  Event details are on the website and registration is open.  As with the 2018 running, the brevet will start in the parking lot of Martin's Country Market on the west side of Ephrata on US322.  Sadly, unlike the 2018 edition, we will NOT be gathering (at least formally) at the St. Boniface Craft Brewery for post-ride festivities.  Current occupancy restrictions on bars make it impractical to occupy their space for such a long time.  That said, all riders are certainly welcome to visit the brew pub with its new expanded food offerings.  We just can't gather there as a group.

Starting protocol will be slightly changed for November.  I hope to return to a group start.  This of course depends on the number of entrants, but winter months typically see smaller groups.  Free starts are useful with larger groups, but if I learned anything from the Fall Classic event it is the value of a pre-ride rider's briefing.  Other aspects of the Free Start protocol remain in effect.  

1. All riders must wear a mask at registration check-in.  You will need to take it with you as all Pennsylvania stores require patrons to wear a mask in order to enter.  Hand sanitizer is up to you, but remember hand sanitizer and paper stock brevet cards don't mix well.  Just sayin'.

2. Please print, sign, and bring that signed event waiver with you to the rider check-in.  I'll have an envelope to collect these.

3. Bring your bike and your reflective gear with you to rider check-in. Do this promptly when you arrive and unload to avoid a crush at T -15 minutes.

4. A successful step 1 and 2 will result in receipt of your brevet card.

5.  Hang around in a socially distanced manner until 5 minutes before the start for the pre-ride briefing.  

6.  Gather in a socially spaced apart manner so you can hear my spell-binding pre-ride chat.  I'll talk loud so everyone can hear.

7.  Depart when released, but try to space yourselves apart a bit.  Most important is to be aware of other rider proximity when launching snot rockets and the like.  This really shouldn't be a COVID thing; you should always drop to the back to do this.  

All of the intermediate controls have been changed to info controls to avoid passing brevet cards with store clerks along the way (pro tip:  bring a pencil or pen).  However, there is no intermediate staffed control planned.  If you have reservations about entering a store to obtain supplies along the route, please plan accordingly and carry enough with you.  Veterans of the route will know that stores in Schuylkill, Berks and Lebanon Counties are few and far between anyway so plan accordingly.  Stores are marked on the cue sheet and I will be investigating an additional self-service water source along the route on the check-out ride.

When you arrive at the finish, check your card to make sure you've added all the info control answers.  Look for the finish volunteer (it might not be me) and show the volunteer the inside of your card so s/he can verify you've scribbled something in each control.  Don't forget to mask up when you go see the volunteer.  Then sign your card and deposit it in the envelope with the volunteer.  If you arrived with a small group, step away so the others can check out.  The volunteer will have a log sheet which indicates your finish time and is the primary means for me to determine finish time. 

Stay safe and have a great ride.

Andrew Mead, Eastern PA RBA

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Chamounix Classic 2020 Report

Preliminary results for the Chamounix Classic events have been posted for the 200k and the Populaire on the PA Rando website.  Please review the results and let me know if something doesn't agree with your recollections.  The results will be submitted for RUSA certification later on and become final at that time.  

A gorgeous sunny Saturday

October 17 was a gorgeous, sunny Saturday for two PA Randonneur events, the 107km Populaire and a 200k brevet. It was also a day of many firsts.  

We inaugurated a new location, the Chamounix Hostel, as our start and finish control, a beautiful location in north-west Fairmount Park, which made for a pleasant spot to hang out and share stories at the end of the ride – socially distanced and outdoors of course! One nice feature was the porch on the front where we could see rides approach from afar so we could welcome each of them with applause. We hope to use the Hostel again as a base for events in 2021.


Woody readies the tandem as cat watches joggers.

Another first is that we drew a lot of new riders from the area, indeed across both events 55% of participants came from Philadelphia many of which participated in their first ever brevet leading to a late surge in RUSA memberships!

Finally, we had the first ever minor participating in an event as part of a father-daughter tandem:  Esme and Glenn Ammons finished their Populaire to roaring applause something made possible by a recent rule change at RUSA allowing minors to ride in the company of a randonneuring parent or guardian.  We had a total of three tandems at the Populaire the others were CJ Arayata with Woody Felice and George Retseck with Beverly Rickles, the latter finished her first ever randonneuring event.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Chamounix Fall Classic Populaire - Pre-ride notes

A pre-ride of the 107km Populaire was conducted on Oct 7 by Iwan Barankay. Event informatin is available here. The route is beautiful and very scenic and will be a great experience for first-timers and returning randonneurs alike. 

Parking is very easy on Chamounix Drive just before you reach the Carriage House which is on the left in the eyelet at the end of the road. 

Here is a list of items to bring and prepare:

One note upfront is to be aware of fallen leaves on the road as they can be slippery and, more importantly, they can hide potholes especially in the beginning on MLK Jr Drive.  Please take good care so you don’t lose a water bottle there like the pre-rider did.  

There are multiple constructions which made it necessary to change the route.  In the beginning soon after Falls Bridge we now turn onto the Wissahickon Trail and then Forbidden Drive to reach the first info control from the East.  

As you approach Evansburg State Park please dismount your bike to get onto the Skippack Creek Trail Bridge as a flash-flood in late summer swelled up and washed away some of the tarmac.

On the way back before Manayunk please watch the cues to get back onto the Schuylkill River Trail as River Road is under construction and impassable due to a huge pool of water and no sidewalk. Finally, we approach the finish from MLK Jr Drive which is much safer than via Belmont Mansion Drive but will necessitate a last climb effort before the finish.  Rest assured that grazing horses and curious cats at Chamounix are awaiting you as are boxed lunches and refreshments and many riders including some 200k finishers whom you can impress with your stories and adventures.

Start Logistics

As we are under COVID 19 protocol we won't have a group but rather a free start.

Here is how it works:

1) Park your car or come to Chamounix by bike. Most people will want to park on the left in front of the stables just before you get to the Carriage House. Let's assume this is what you do.

2) Get ready. 

3) Coffee, water, juice and packaged goodies will be set out by the Carriage House. Help yourself (but don't bunch as you munch). Take the food back to your car or elsewhere in the park.

3) Sometime between 8:30 and 9:30 AM casually walk by yourself with your bike and your signed event waiver to the start line.  The idea is that people should come over to start gradually, in onezie-twozies. Not in a bunch. 

4) Drop your signed waiver in the container on the ground. If you forget your waiver, you'll need to ask a Chamounix Cat for forgiveness. If the cat forgives you, go retrieve a blank waiver fill it out, and try again.

5) After you drop your waiver, the starter will record your time on the log and on your card. The starter will then give you your brevet card. Hold it up with your name facing forward. Someone will take a picture of you. You are now started.  A few people will also be given satellite trackers. If you get one of these, put it someplace where it can "see" the sky. It can be in a bag or pocket, just don't pile stuff on top of it.

6) Ride your bike!  And don't go faster than your guardian Angel!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Chamounix Fall Classic 200K -- Course Notes (updated)

*** Update 1

An additional pre-ride was conducted 11 October by Andrew Mead and Nick Manta. This resulted in a few small adjustments to the cues and the route. The latest cuesheet is Version 4,  from RWGPS route last modified 2020-10-12 17:55:30 EDT.

 *** Original Post

The Chamounix Classic randonneuring events in Philadelphia are almost upon us. For full details on these events, refer to the event pages for the 200K brevet and the 107K populaire.  Check back here at the PA Rando blog for any last minute announcements.

These events will be run with a Free Start procedure under the Covid safety plan. Here's how free starts work:

1) Park your car. Most people will want to park on the left in front of the stables just before you get to the Carriage House. Let's assume this is what you do.

2) Get ready. Since it will technically still be night when we start, you should have reflective gear on.

3) Coffee, water, juice and packaged goodies will be set out by the Carriage House. Help yourself (but don't bunch as you munch). Take the food back to your car or elsewhere in the park.

3) Sometime between 6:30 and 7:30 AM for the 200K (8:30 -- 9:30 for the 107K) casually walk by yourself with your bike and your signed event waiver to the start line.  The idea is that people should come over to start gradually, in onezie-twozies. Not in a bunch. 

4) Drop your signed waiver in the container on the ground. If you forget your waiver, you'll need to ask a Chamounix Cat for forgiveness. If the cat forgives you, go retrieve a blank waiver from somewhere, fill it out, and try again.

5) After you drop your waiver, the starter will record your time on the log and on your card. The starter will then give you your brevet card. Hold it up with your name facing forward. Someone will take a picture of you. You are now started.  A few people will also be given satellite trackers. If you get one of these, put it someplace where it can "see" the sky. It can be in a bag or pocket, just don't pile stuff on top of it.

6) Ride your bike!  And don't go faster than your guardian Angel!

Pre Ride Notes

An official pre-ride of the new Chamounix Classic 200K brevet course was conducted on Saturday 3 October by Iwan Barankay and Chris Nadovich. There were several major course changes that resulted from lessons learned by this pre-ride. At this time, all these changes have been incorporated in our online route data. Make sure you have the latest Cue Sheet (version 3) or GPS route last modified 2020-10-6 12:42:21 EDT. 

Iwan and I started almost exactly at dawn from the Chamounix Carriage house. The weather was cool but not excessively cold. The area at the end of Chamounix Drive was almost completely deserted of people, but there were several cats wandering about the stables. A few of these cats visited us as we were clipping in, curious about the unusual "horses" we were riding. 

Unforgiving Chamounix cat

The first 50 miles of the course is scenic, meandering through the suburban side-streets that give way to country roads in the spectacular countryside West of Valley Forge. There are several classics, like Yellow Springs Rd and Goshen Rd. Be alert at the end of Goshen for the info control, a white cottage house behind a fence on the right just before the turn.

Scenic is also cyclist code for hilly. Slower riders should expect to reach the Morgantown control with only a small amount of time in the bank. Of course, given that all controls are info-controls under the Covid rules, there is no official closing time in Morgantown. Nevertheless, be aware of the front-loaded climbing and don't worry too much if you arrive in Morgantown a little later than you might have expected.  Riders should also be prepared with enough food and water to make it through this tough 50 (although there is no official replenishment along this segment, there are a few Wawas noted on the cue sheet if you are willing to go a bit off course and enter a convenience store).

At Morgantown the course passes several fast food joints and a Sheetz on the left side of 23, but after considering these during the pre-ride, and disliking their high-traffic and the need for a double-left turn to access them across the busy road, the control location was finally set at the more isolated Joanna Store Sunoco. This is on the right at the end of Joanna Rd. It's a relatively quiet location. We hope to have a volunteer at this spot to distribute water to those unwilling to enter the convenience store. Of course those who do decide to enter should wear a mask, even if this store is relatively low-traffic compared to the businesses on the main PA23 corridor.  

After Morgantown the course returns to a familiar route through French Creek that long time PA Rando riders will know well from many 400Ks and 600Ks.  There are a few minor climbs, but most of the route is flat or downward. I found this section to be quite relaxing after the 50 miles of slogging up hills we had just completed. And it was daytime for a change!

Upon reaching the Perkiomen, instead of beginning the climb up to Quakertown as we have done so many times before, the hard work of the ride is now almost completely over as the route joins the Perkiomen Trail to follow creeks and rivers all the way back to Philadelphia. There is a control here as the route joins the Perk trail (smooth crushed stone, mostly firm, suitable for most tires), an info question answered by the wooden signboard at the Crusher Rd trailhead. 

When reaching the Perk Trail control at Crusher, instead of turning right and following the course South, if you turn left and follow the Perk trail North (off course) you'll soon reach Green Lane Park with water and bathrooms. You can then U-turn around, get back on a southbound course, and brag to your friends that you rode the whole Perk trail to the SRT (not just a mere 99.5% of it). 

Chris Nadovich finds the answer he seeks

There are a few spots on the Perk trail where the gravel is a bit soft, so keep pedaling if you hit any this "non Newtonian fluid". Generally speaking, the trail is well marked and easy to follow. Although most of the Perk is through the woods along the creek,  there are a few busy road crossings with traffic signals. Please use the pedestrian call buttons at the traffic signals and wait till the pedestrian sign lights up, white, signalling that it's safe to cross the road.

The Perk trail eventually becomes paved, and then joins the Schuylkill River Trail at an info control (a park bench just after the trail junction). The route is then all paved through Valley Forge and Norristown. At Conshohocken, the route leaves the Schuylkill for a significant climb up Barren Hill away from the Schuylkill, over to the Wissahickon watershed and the renowned Forbidden Drive trail through the gorge.  Again the route is crushed stone, perhaps a little better in quality than the Perk trail surface. Forbidden Drive is one of the most spectacular city park trails in the world. No matter how many times I go through there, I'm always amazed that Philly has such a wonderful resource.

At the base of the Wissahickon gorge, the route Tees left at Ridge. You are now returning to busy car traffic so wake up! But it's not much further. Just over the Falls Bridge, and then one last little grunt up to Chamounix.

There was also a Pre, pre-ride of this course, previously conducted by Iwan and the "Rat Pack". Please refer to those notes as well.  

Thanks for a great route, Iwan. Enjoy the ride everyone. 


Chris N

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The October Fall Classic: Chamounix 200K Brevet and 107K Populaire

Recognizing the number of Pennsylvania Randonneurs that hail from Philadelphia, we are returning to Philadelphia for a newly designed Fall Classic event on October 17.  The starting point is Chamounix Mansion, located in Fairmont Park overlooking the Schuylkill River.  We are running both a traditional Fall Classic 200K Brevet, and a 107K Populaire.  Details for both the 200K event and 107K event are on the web, including links for online registration.

A RUSA membership is required to participate in these events.  Membership in Pennsylvania Randonneurs, while encouraged, is not required to participate.  If you already have a RUSA membership for 2020 you're set.  If not, you should wait a bit.  RUSA memberships paid on or after October 1 will be valid through the end of 2021.  If you apply for RUSA membership in now, it will only be valid through the end of 2020.  Yes, this differs from the approach that Pennsylvania Randonneurs is taking, but we don't make the rules for RUSA.  

These events are being run under RUSA "soft start" COVID-19 rules. The route passes convenience stores, including the iconic Sheetz in Morgantown, but all controles are optionally info controles (bring a pencil); riders are not required to enter any businesses.  That said, all riders must bring a pre-completed waiver to the start, and must have masks at the start and finish. Masks are required if you do choose to enter any of the businesses.

The 107K route is substantially identical to the International Women's Day 107 K held this Spring. The main difference is that the start/finish is now Chamounix rather than the Art Museum area. You can read the pre-ride notes and  ride report from the Spring edition of the IWD Populaire to get some sense of what this populaire route is like.

The 200K is a totally new route. A pre-pre ride of the 200K was conducted by organizer Iwan Barankay and the "Rat Pack". Here are the preliminary notes from their first-ever check-out of this new 200K.

200K Pre-pre-ride

Though not a control, there is a WAWA of to the left at mile 26.5 as we cross US 30. Be very careful as you cross this highway.  Fortunately, US 202 and I-75 will both be crossed more safely via bridges.

A non-negotiable feature of a PA brevet that reaches this far West is a Sheetz control. Be very careful as you enter the control as it is on the left side of a busy road. (Pro tip: to refill water bottles press the unlabeled bottom-right button at the self-service fountain bar).

You continue on Hopewell and then the full length of Harmonyville Rd. The road surface on both of these roads switches arbitrarily between brand new and rumbustious with some steep technical descents.

Continuing north it is advisable to refuel at the CVS as you reach West Ridge Pike at mile 74.9 since there won’t be another easy option like this for quite some time.                                                                      
We cross the Schuylkill River via Linfield Bridge, a rare example of a surviving, 1930s, 3-span Warren-pony-truss bridge with polygonal top chord, which for us translates into a narrow bridge with no hard shoulder or bike path – be alert and make yourself seen when on the bridge.

On the Schuylkill River and Perkiomen trails, be courteous and always announce yourself when passing.  At times your GPS might complain but you always want to stay on the Perk trail.  Be alert in turns as depending on the weather the deep gravel can turn into a non-Newtonian fluid and spare a happy thought for the route planner as you go up a rather unexpected, brief 12% climb at mile 88.1.

There is an expanded 17.8 mile gravel experience (suitable for most tires) on the Perkiomen Trail (PT). You stay on Perkiomen until you reach the Schuylkill River Trail (SRT) at mile 101.2. Don’t miss the turn to go up the bridge as otherwise you end up in Phoenixville which is a different brevet altogether.

Sometimes the SRT is a time-trial fest interspersed with some more inexperienced riders exhibiting artistic sudden turns.  Stay alert and consider refreshments at the Conshohocken Brewery (mile 112.8) or carefully navigate around its patrons. Shortly after the brewery we leave the SRT turning left and go past Riverbend Cycles and then up steep Barren Hill Rd named after what it does to your virility.  As you then scream down the hill towards Manayunk make sure not to miss the left-turn into a small road misnamed “High Street” after the traffic light but before the bridge - listen to the custom cues! – to reach a pleasing former railroad bridge turned now into the Manayunk Bridge Trail to join Cynwyd Trail.

Free Bridge 200K Ride Report

Free at last to ride our bikes again, Pennsylvania Randonneurs began the "after-times" of randonneuring with a challenging 200K, a totally new route that visited many familiar places through unfamiliar routes. Despite the Corona virus pandemic continuing to raise concerns, a brave group of 29 randonneurs clipped in for the first running of Free Bridge 200K brevet. Despite the anxious context and difficult course, maybe (see below) 28 of the 29 starters finished under the time limit for  a 97% completion rate. Congratulations and well done to all, especially our first time riders Ellen Houle and Ello ShertzerWelcome to PA Randonneuring! I can promise you that it will get easier. Also welcome to two-time PBP ancien Rene Mortara from NJ who was riding his first PA brevet.

Riders of the Free Bridge 200K
Brave Randonneurs of the Pandemic

Preliminary results for this first event post-Covid-lockdown, have been posted on the PA Rando website.  Please review the results and let me know if something doesn't agree with your recollections.  The results will be submitted for ACP certification later on and become final at that time. 

With a finish in the Free Bridge 200K event this month, this was the 12th consecutive month that Paul Weaver completed a Pennsylvania Randonneurs event of 200K or more (Covid shutdown months ruled nonexistent).  Consequently, Paul has earned the "covited" Pennsylvania R12 Award, admitting him into the exclusive club of only 16 people in the history of PA Rando to earn this award. Also earning the PA-R12 this year was Greg Keenan. Congratulations Paul and Greg!

It was almost a picture perfect day to ride a bike. It started out moderately cool at dawn, for the socially distanced "Free Start" format. As the day developed, despite the copious sunshine, it stayed in the 70s and never quite became overly warm. There was a steady breeze that provided some challenge at points in the course, but overall the weather was about as good as we could ask for this time of year. 

The start of the course is a relatively easy spin up to Wind Gap on paved rail trail. The relaxing ease of this warm up was marred somewhat by a mishap that befell Robert Dye as he approached the Wind Gap controle. It seems that as Dye was messing with his GPS, a telephone pole tried to cross the road in front of him. Fortunately, he looked up in time to avoid the pole with the bike; unfortunately he bashed the pole with his shoulder, breaking his left collarbone.  After calling in to report the incident and assure the organizer that he was OK-ish, Bob mounted his bike and soldiered back to Easton via the slightly downhill rail trail. Not having any duct tape to fasten the hand of his bad arm to the handlebars, Bob had to ride one handed home. Occasionally he would go no-handed to ring his bell on the opposite bar, warning walkers on the trail of his approach. Tough bike rider!

After following the Southern edge of Mt Minsi for a while, the route turns into a gravel road and then a steep gravel descent. This was the first of several gravel sections in the course. There were a few reports of flat tires, it seemed mostly from the go-fast folks that run the lightweight, narrow rubber. The rest of us that ride wider, heavier tread had an enjoyable time gravelling along. 

The  controle at Point of Gap has a beautiful view of Mt Tammany across the Delaware River. So many times we have zoomed past this spot without looking over our shoulders at the amazing mountain. This time, because it was a turnaround info controle, there was a moment to stop and appreciate the grandeur of the location.

Another amazing sight at that same location was Tom Rosenbauer, RBA emeritus, volunteering to staff the Point of Gap controle. When PBP ancien Tom completed the pre-ride for this event, it was the first brevet he had completed in the last 5 years. Health problems had kept him away from the bike, but now it seems he's climbed back on. Randonesia? Chapeau Tom. Bon courage! 

Many riders commented that the new routing back to Easton that avoids at couple of the "little bastard" climbs on River Road was an appreciated improvement.

After a halfway replenishment stop at Jimmy's and/or their parked cars, riders attacked the signature climb of the route, the one-two punch of Ciphers and Shire Rd. This obscenity of a hill was conquered on foot by about half the field. Quite impressive was the tandem team of Cecilie and Patrick Gaffney, who unhesitatingly pedaled up the near 20% grade with no visible strain.  

Ellen Houle
First timer Ellen Houle conquers Shire with aplomb.

Yet another amazing sight at the Weisel Hostel "Watch for Geezers" controle was none other than the Covid Bearded (and PBP ancien) Ron Anderson volunteering to staff that nostalgic location. Thank you Ron!

Ron posted some photos from the Geezers controle.

The new routing from the hostel to Easton was complimented by many, although the bumpy covered bridge just North of the hostel unsettled a few GPS-only riders who missed the explicit warnings on the cue sheet. Everyone liked going down Stony Garden and the Gallows Hill rollers. 

Joe Ray and Greg Keenan
Watch out for them!

Almost everyone loved the rather lovably downhill Coon Hollow gravel road -- everyone but Scotty Steingart, that is.  Scotty, it seems, lost his brevet card while changing a flat (his third of the day) on that road. At the time of this writing, the RBA and other supreme randonneuring authorities were in conference determining the fate of Scotty's brevet result.

After Coon Hollow (thank George Retseck for suggesting that fun short-cut, BTW), the new climb up Cider Press was universally praised as better than the double hump of Lower Saucon. 

At the finish, riders gathered on the grass and picnic tables in front of Jimmy's, eating hot dogs and slurping ice cream. All riders stayed very socially distant from the "mini Sturgis" motorcycle rider gathering over at the Sand Bar. There was a live band playing "classical music" like Monkeys and the theme song to the Beverly Hillbillies. Ahh, the things you run into as a randonneur. 

Thanks again to Andrew, Tom, Ron, Bill, and others that helped with organizing this successful return to the sport we love.

Iwan Barankay writes...

What a great route and what a wonderful set of people to ride it with!  We are so lucky and privileged to have this sport!

That one hill really gutted me, though! It took me an hour to recover from that one alone and I still am. So sorry for calling [the organizer] names there but it came from a place of sheer desperation!       

Joe Ray writes...

Thanks for putting on a terrific brevet and for arranging such great weather!

Highlights -  Gravel!  My phone fell from my front bag at the top of National Park descent without me noticing for a mile or two; huge thanks (and a six-pack reward) to Greg Keenan for observing it and picking it up. Cypher-whatever did not disappoint; Jimmy's hot dog and milkshake worked as described (promised?) in course notes. Geezers!  It was great to see people I have missed riding with for months.  Including goatee-disguised Tom and beard-disguised RonChris’ covid beard was not fooling anyone.    

Pat and Cece write...

Thanks for a lovely return to randonneuring on Saturday.  The course was great! We particularly like the detour around the River Road bridge construction and the routing from Belvidere to Phillipsburg.  The climb up Shire was a good smack to the face, but it wouldn't be a PA Rando event without a serious climb. With the exception of losing our 14 tooth cog around the 50K mark it was a pretty perfect day.  Thanks again.  Hope to see you in October. 

Vadim performing a delicate procedure

 Vadim Gritsus writes...

Despite a long hiatus and COVID anxiety, I was pleased to see that PA Rando came back as good as ever on a newly minted Free Bridge 200K.  The ride was as smooth and challenging as one could expect from a PA brevet. Gravel sections were splendid, like a roller coaster ride in a theme park, scary enough to be entertaining but one never felt in any real danger.  New info control routine was a welcomed addition and made the ride even more smooth. Even mechanical issues happened at  the right time, giving us much needed rest before a what seemed to be 40 percent grade climb!  Another treat was watching Mario Claussnitzer doing the whole ride effortlessly on his newly acquired Specialized Epic mountain rig.  To summarize, if one could compare PA Rando to a master brewer, this ride would be a triple IPA!  

Steve Schoenfelder writes...

Thanks to Chris Nadovich, volunteers, and pre-riders of the Free Bridge 200k! Truly an epic restart to the PA rando season, the route was scenic, included  three covered bridges, rolled over gravel, dirt, and paved roads, and introduced us to a fun new climb up Cyphers Road. 

I felt the ride was particularly well organized and provided safety to the riders with the free start format, and the ability to re-supply at our vehicles near the half-way point.

Just let me know how much it will cost to prevent publication of the “walk of shame” photo you took of me near the Cyphers Road summit.

You can't pay me enough not to post this, Steve
How much ya' got, Steve?

[RBA NoteRule 11 requires that all riders sign and deliver their brevet card to the organizer at the ride finish.  RUSA has relaxed rules somewhat to provide RBAs the flexibility to safely organize brevets in view of pandemic-driven requirements of our regions.  Electronic proof of passage (EPP) is on the table.  

Pennsylvania Randonneurs has a long history of upholding traditions.  Paperwork is important whether it be cue sheets with warnings about rough bridges or brevet cards with a general survey on gas prices or geezer sightings in the area.  Our pandemic plan includes increased use of staffed and info controls to minimize the number of people touching a brevet card.  I decided against the use of EPP as the norm.  It seemed unnecessary and I expect a return to normal rules at some point in the not so distant future.  We will continue to use brevet cards unless and until circumstances dictate otherwise.

As for Scotty, there was never any doubt that he completed the route as required.  He had an impressive ride despite flatting three times.  There is even a picture of Scotty with his card at the penultimate controle.  

Scotty and his brevet card
Scotty with his brevet card at the hostel control

The current rule flexibility allows me to to consider alternative means for proof of passage.  In this case, Scotty's GPS file for the ride provided all that was necessary to save his finish result.  The lessons to take from this are to take care of your brevet card and save your GPS files.  Congratulations Scotty.  Sorry Chris Maglieri.  He nipped you by a minute.

Andrew Mead
Eastern PA RBA


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Free Starts at the Free Bridge

To facilitate social distancing with the large group riding on Saturday, we're going to try Free Starts -- like they had at PBP 2011. 

Here's how it will work (I hope).

1) Park your car. Most people will want to park behind Jimmy's on the NJ side. Let's assume this is what you do.

2) Get ready. Since it might technically still be night when we start, you should have reflective gear on.

3) Sometime between 6 and 7 AM casually walk by yourself across the bridge with your bike and your signed event waiver.  The idea is that people should come over gradually, in onezie-twozies. not in a bunch. I'll be waiting with your brevet card on the PA side by the Columbus statue in a small park off to the right after you cross to PA. 

4) Drop your signed waiver in the bag I'll have next to me on the ground. If you forget your waiver, you'll need to do the walk of shame back over the bridge to fill out a blank one. I'll have some under the windshield wiper of my car.

5) After you drop your waiver, I will give you your brevet card. Hold it up with your name facing me. I'll take a picture of you and record the current time as your official start time on my roster. Some people will also be given satellite trackers. If you get one, put it someplace where it can "see" the sky. It can be in a bag or pocket, just don't pile stuff on top of it.

6) Ride your bike!  And don't go faster than your guardian Angel!

Simple? I think so.  Unless somebody calls the cops, worrying about the weird looking crowd gathering around the Columbus statue. So try not to bunch up, and try to look like happy, friendly bike riders who are thrilled to be riding a real, honest brevet after 6 months of lockdown.

Beyond that, I'm not going to lecture further about how you shouldn't  blow snot rockets,  draft riders closely, or go bare-faced when around groups of people or inside businesses. You're all adults and you know what to do by now after months of this.

Have a great ride!


Chris Nadovich, brevet organizer

Monday, August 31, 2020

Return of the R12 Series: September 2020, The Free Bridge 200K

After many frustrating months in lock-down, and after some false starts, finally Pennsylvania Randonneurs is able to offer a real, physical-world brevet -- a bridge to freedom, so to speak: the Free Bridge 200K to be held on September 12.   Register online now.

The route is a completely new (and challenging) 200K that visits many familiar places through unfamiliar routes. Terrain is about as varied as can be, including idyllic creekside glides down picturesque hollows, desperate struggles up 18% grades, and bone-shaking rumbles along gravel roads.  The overall course design is a figure-8, allowing riders to return to their cars at roughly the 100K mark to resupply if they choose to.  The route passes Wawas and Turkey Hills, but all controles are optionally info controles; riders are not required to enter any businesses.  That said, all riders must have masks at the start and finish. Masks are required if you do choose to enter any of the businesses.

Pre Ride Report and Course Notes
A pre ride was conducted on 30 August by a very distinguished bunch:  our former RBA, our current RBA, our wannabe RBA, and our don't-wannabe RBA:  Rosenbauer, Mead, Nadovich, and Olsen.  The weather was about as perfect as anyone could want for a bike ride, with moderate temperatures in the mid 70s, and intermittent sunshine.

The pre-riders found the course to be in good shape with one significant exception. River Rd, south of Portland, is closed. Impassible bridge construction blocks our usual route along the river. This blockage is expected to last up to 18 months.  We found a new way to go. Maybe a better way -- assuming you like gravel roads. Although adding about 200 ft of climbing (including some up gravel) the detour route cuts about a half mile of distance and includes Shady Lane, a wonderful creekside road that rivals Upper Tinicum Church or Dark Hollow for beauty. 

Indeed there's quite a bit of gravel road on this course. Be prepared. Although one of the pre-riders completed all the gravel-grinds with 25mm tires, most riders will be more comfortable with wider tread.  Some of the gravel road is significant downhill with narrow, blind turns (eg National Park Drive).  Be cautious on these gravel descents.

Tom Rosenbauer grinding gravel on 25mm tires.
The epic climb of the route is the one-two punch of Cyphers-Shire. This occurs about 8 miles after the midpoint controle, which seemed to be almost enough digestion time for a Jimmy's Hot Dog. All the pre-riders liberally deployed their 24" gears.

The cue sheet and GPS files have been updated with notes and changes from the pre-ride, including the route change south of Portland. Be sure you have version 12 of the cues, modified 2020-08-31 11:10:56.

See all the details, including special COVID-19 rules, on the event web page.  Let's ride our bikes!

Special Note: By completing this ride, Tom Rosenbauer completed his first 200K ride in five years. And he completed a properly challenging route to underscore the accomplishment, at that. As many of you know, Tom has struggled with some health issues. We are all very happy and proud to see him battle his way back into the tough sport of randonneuring. Bravo Tom!! Chapeau!!

Special Note P.S.
It was truly a great day to ride a route that is likely to become a crowd favorite.  To revisit many of the well-known places of PA Randonneurs with the man who first introduced us to them was special indeed.
I also recommend the Easton Dog at Jimmys (listed on the menu as a hot dog with everything) and a black & white shake.  Just the right amount of intake to tackle Cyphers.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

RUSA Soft Opening, Take 2

Let's try this again.  Pennsylvania Randonneurs is proud to announce the return to randonnering with the Free Bridge 200k on September 12, 2020.  We’re easing back into things owing to a 5-month hiatus, an abundance of caution, and limitations imposed by RUSA.  For now there are some changes to normal procedures.  I'll try to cover the highlights.

1. ALL registrations for our events will be on-line.
2. Registered riders must arrive at the start with a signed waiver, a cue sheet, a writing instrument, and appropriate safety equipment in addition to the usual cycling gear.  This means that you must wear a mask or suitable face covering to the start.  You'll want to have this with you for the ride as many stores require face coverings in order to enter.  Hand sanitizer, gloves, etc. are up to you.  Riders are expected to follow any CDC, state, or requirements imposed by businesses.  If the store says mask required, wear a mask.
3. Riders should bring their own cue sheet.  Our goal is to be near-contactless.  We want to minimize exchanging "things." Bring your own pen/pencil.
4. Riders will be encouraged to observe social distancing while at the start.
5. In the event the pre-registrations indicate a large crowd, the group will be split into groups that will be started 30 minutes apart.  You will be notified of your start group in advance.  If you are starting in the second group we ask that you arrive late or separate yourself from the first wave starters.  Second wave starters will not be checked in and given a brevet card until the first wave departs.
6. Each rider will be photographed with his/her brevet card at the start.  We are finally putting those barcodes we've printed on the cards for the past year to good use.
7. Merchant Controle: Routes may have merchant controles, but merchant entry and controle signature/receipt is entirely optional. Alternatively, rider can self-sign controle card and text to organizer selfie photo showing rider face and brevet card (name forward) with merchant in background, or provide atm receipt (if outdoor ATM available), or info answer (if question provided), accepted as alternatives to wet signature or receipt from merchant.  We are NOT using RUSA's EPP procedure.
8. Staffed Control on route:  Rider will be photographed by volunteer holding brevet card to display printed name and barcode in the picture.  Volunteers will keep a list, but riders do not sign in.
9. Finish Controle:  Riders will sign their brevet card at the finish and then be photographed by the finish volunteer with the printed name and barcode visible in the picture. Once photographed, riders will deposit their brevet cards in an envelope.
That's it!

Our first event will use a Figure 8 course to allow riders to resupply from their cars at the mid-point if desired.  Staffed controls are also planned so that riders can conceivably complete the entire route without entering a business.

We fully expect to refine our process as we all learn together.  Please be patient with us.

The new restrictions would allow running of the PA 300k, but at this point we are focusing on the remainder of the normal fall brevets, including the October Fall Classic with 200k and 150k options.

Andrew Mead
Eastern PA RBA

Monday, June 29, 2020

RUSA Soft Opening Put on Hold

RUSA President Dave Thompson made the following announcement on June 28.

Since making our decision for a soft reopening the pandemic has taken a turn for the worse. New cases are up 65% over the past two weeks. New restrictions are being instituted including more restrictive social distancing, statewide mask requirements and new state regulations to mandate quarantining for interstate travel. With all this in mind our soft reopening will be postponed.
I know that many of you have put a lot of thought and effort into your pandemic riding plans. I've been through all of them and have had discussions with some of you. We all hope that the picture will soon change for the better and we can put those plans into effect. We will continue to monitor the pandemic and keep you updated.

Since making our decision for a soft reopening the pandemic has taken a turn for the worse. New cases are up 65% over the past two weeks. New restrictions are being instituted including more restrictive social distancing, statewide mask requirements and new state regulations to mandate quarantining for interstate travel. With all this in mind our soft reopening will be postponed.

I know that many of you have put a lot of thought and effort into your pandemic riding plans. I've been through all of them and have had discussions with some of you. We all hope that the picture will soon change for the better and we can put those plans into effect. We will continue to monitor the pandemic and keep you updated.

It seems unlikely that conditions will improve in the near-term to the extent that the July brevet will be  permitted as a sanctioned event.  For that reason we will be refunding ride entry fees for July.  
August remains a wait and see, but expect that brevet to shift to the Free Bridge route. It's a really interesting new route.  
Remember that RUSA must make decisions that are best for the entire membership.  In April when RUSA first cancelled rides, our region was one of the national hotspots driving that decision.  Thankfully we are not the driver this time.  Hopefully we will not become complacent and the virus and its effect will remain somewhat under control.  In the meantime we should all keep in mind the people in the regions where COVID-19 cases are on the rise.  We've traveled that road and know first-hand the challenges they face.

The only certainty is that Pennsylvania Randonneurs will resume R-12 brevets as soon as permitted.  In the meantime, get out and ride.  Expand your quarantine horizons. Our routes are accessible and offer many miles of scenic byways that can be enjoyed without a brevet card.

Andrew Mead
Eastern PA RBA

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Let's Ride: Re-Opening in a Pandemic

Pennsylvania Randonneurs is proud to announce the return to randonnering with the Free Bridge 200k on July 11, 2020.  We’re easing back into things owing to a 3-month hiatus, an abundance of caution, and limitations imposed by RUSA.  For now there are some changes to normal procedures.  I'll try to cover the highlights.

1. ALL registrations for our events will be on-line.
2. Registered riders must arrive at the start with a signed waiver, a cue sheet, a writing instrument, and appropriate safety equipment in addition to the usual cycling gear.  For the July event this means that you must wear a mask or suitable face covering to the start.  You'll want to have this with you for the ride as many stores require face coverings in order to enter.  Hand sanitizer, gloves, etc. are up to you.  Riders are expected to follow any CDC, state, or requirements imposed by businesses.  If the store says mask required, wear a mask.
3. Riders should bring their own cue sheet.  Our goal is to be near-contactless.  We want to minimize exchanging "things." Bring your own pen/pencil.
4. Riders will be encouraged to observe social distancing while at the start.
5. In the event the pre-registrations indicate a large crowd, the group will be split into groups that will be started 30 minutes apart.  You will be notified of your start group in advance.  If you are starting in the second group we ask that you arrive late or separate yourself from the first wave starters.  Second wave starters will not be checked in and given a brevet card until the first wave departs.
6. Each rider will be photographed with his/her brevet card at the start.  We are finally putting those barcodes we've printed on the cards for the past year to good use.
7. Merchant Controle: Routes may have merchant controles, but merchant entry and controle signature/receipt is entirely optional. Alternatively, rider can self-sign controle card and text to organizer selfie photo showing rider face and brevet card (name forward) with merchant in background, or provide atm receipt (if outdoor ATM available), or info answer (if question provided), accepted as alternatives to wet signature or receipt from merchant.  We are NOT using RUSA's EPP procedure.
8. Staffed Control on route:  Rider will be photographed by volunteer holding brevet card to display printed name and barcode in the picture.  Volunteers will keep a list, but riders do not sign in.
9. Finish Controle:  Riders will sign their brevet card at the finish and then be photographed by the finish volunteer with the printed name and barcode visible in the picture. Once photographed, riders will deposit their brevet cards in an envelope.
That's it!

Our first two events will use Figure 8 courses to allow riders to resupply from their cars at the mid-point if desired.  Staffed controls are also planned so that riders can conceivably complete the entire route without entering a business.

We fully expect to refine our process as we all learn together.  Please be patient with us.

Finally, for now RUSA is permitting brevets of 225k or less.  As a result I've had to make the difficult decision to fully cancel the remaining ACP SR events and the Fleche for 2020.  On the bright side, we have two new routes to offer and are planning more to make the most of whats left of the 2020 cycling season.

Andrew Mead
Eastern PA RBA

Monday, June 15, 2020

Pensylvania Mondial Award: Bill Olsen

Congratulations to Bill Olsen for being the first rider ever to complete over 40,000 KM in PA Rando Events, earning him the very first PA Rando Mondial award. The riding distance of 40,000 KM is approximately the circumference of the Earth (or about 20 laps around the perimeter of Pennsylvania).

As of March 2020, Bill has ridden 40,565 KM in the 136 PA events he has finished -- more events than any other rider.  Bill is the only person to have earned two Pennsylvania R-5000  awards. He also has the most Pennsylvania Super Randonneur awards with nine, and shares a tie with Don Jagel having won a club leading four PA R-12 awards, including a PA R-36!

In addition to his riding prowess, Bill has been a tireless volunteer supporting countless PA Rando and NJ Rando events.

Chapeau Bill! Bonne route for your second lap around the Earth!

Friday, March 20, 2020


Pennsylvania Randonneurs is suspending all of its events effective immediately.  We find it impossible to offer randonneuring events of the high quality our members and guests have come to expect from Pennsylvania Randonneurs.  It is time to accept the inevitable realization that proceeding with our schedule is not socially responsible behavior and might constitute prohibited behavior under current mandates.  We will continue to monitor conditions and make an announcement when we believe resuming brevets is legal, feasible, and responsible.

Obviously a resumption of activities depends upon current mandates requiring closure of "non-life sustaining businesses" and directing individuals to shelter in place or practice social isolation to be lifted.  Our routes are not limited to Pennsylvania, so we must also consider the surrounding states, specifically New Jersey and New York.  If these restrictions are lifted, our hope is to reschedule the SR events and the Fleche in the late summer or early fall.  If these restrictions remain through summer, the ACP events will likely be cancelled altogether.  Much depends on the availability of the resources needed to host such events.  It may take quite a bit of time for the services we rely on (hotels, stores, restaurants) to return to normal and be able to accommodate us once restrictions are lifted.

Please be patient as we work through the details.  We are doing all that we can to resume randonneuring activities as soon as conditions permit and to keep you advised in ample time to make plans.

Thank you for your understanding.  Stay safe!

Andrew Mead
Eastern PA RBA

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Pagoda 200K Ride Report

Miles, Joe, Greg and Elias
celebrating at the Pagoda (photo by Matt)
With the growing concern about the Corona virus pandemic casting a shadow of uncertainty over future events, a brave group of 24 randonneurs clipped in to attempt one of the most difficult 200K routes in the PA Rando menu, the Pagoda 200K brevet. Despite the anxious context and difficult course, 23 of the 24 starters finished under the time limit for  a 96% completion rate. Congratulations and well done to all, especially our first time riders Matthew Harman and Miles PowellWelcome to PA Randonneuring! I can promise you that it will get easier.

Preliminary results for this first event in our ACP Super Randonneur series, have been posted on the PA Rando website.  Please review the results and let me know if something doesn't agree with your recollections.  The results will be submitted for ACP certification later on and become final at that time.

The weather was clear and cool, climbing into the 50s mid day with plenty of sunshine. Several of the riders finished in shorts --- some even in short sleeves. There was enough wind to be annoying, but not the gale force winds that stole the brevet card from Gerry Montague's hand in 2019. This year the wind was weaker. Gerry held tightly to his brevet card and finished in great style.

Difficult climbs can move riders to poetry, it seems. The muse of rando inspired Iwan Barankay to compose this haiku...
Social full distance
We swallowed hills like Hemlock
Pinchflat spring ice-cream
I see what you did there, Iwan, with swallowing Hemlock. Some of those hills do indeed promote thoughts of self harm.  And "pinchflat  spring" refers to a possible flavor available at the Longacres Modern Dairy controle?

Joe Ray had this to say about the day and the quality of the food offerings...
Thanks for putting on a great brevet yesterday!  There were a number of sections on this one that I had completely forgotten from last year, notably the climb to reach the dam [Powder Mill] and the knee-breaker after crossing it [Hemlock]. It was really good to share the suffering with Greg and Miles for the whole route and have Matt join us for the  second half and finish as a group. The views on this route are terrific, with quite a few very noble-looking farms on top of the overlook on skyline/pagoda and other mountain vistas. The banana milkshake at Longacre was fantastic (as expected), but this was my first Wawa waffle egg sausage and cheese sandwich and I’ll give it a “pretty good” (better than the turkey hill thing a couple hours later).  
The difficult course with near 10,000 feet of climbing and an unfair lack of easy descending roll-outs pushed several riders close to the time limit.  I say any finish is a solid finish on this 200K. On this topic Bill Olsen writes...
Thanks for scheduling the challenging PA SR Series again this year. The 200K Included just the right amount of climbing.  Enough to quickly get me back into shape, but not too much that I exceeded the allowable 13.5 hours. 
The Pagoda 200K course has many high points. There are six major climbs and many stunning vistas. In contrast to these scenic wonders, considering the 2020 version avoids traffic and reaches the SRT by routing directly through some squalid sections of downtown Reading, there are also some low points on the course. The lowest of these low-points is Little Wunder Street (really an alley) where riders must get down into the gutter.

Little Wunder riders go down into the gutter

Fortunately there were no punctures or other unpleasantness reported by riders transiting this "interesting" thoroughfare.

Perhaps the biggest surprise  of the day was the peloton of cigarette-smoking, Big Wheel riders descending from the Pagoda on Duryea Drive.  They must've been at it for a long time as many of the passing brevet riders reported seeing them descending and being hauled back up top by pickup truck.

Big Wheelers descending Duryea drive in high gear
And they say randonneurs are crazy!?

One disappointing aspect to the 2020 edition of the Pagoda 200K was the closure of the Cask Taphouse and Grill at the start/finish. The closure appears to be permanent, a consequence of economic factors, not related to the pandemic.  There are other nice pubs and restaurants nearby, but nothing so close and congenial as was the Cask.  Because Cask was closed, PA Rando was unable to provide the finish food we had in the past: a variety of excellent flatbread pizzas from the Cask menu. Instead, we had more typical bike rider food: fruit and pre-packaged snacks.

As things stand at the moment of this writing, the remaining ACP Super Randonneur events are still going ahead as scheduled. It may be necessary to modify the start/finish and overnight accommodations  in order to comply with prudent safety requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Because of the extra requirements, we'll likely need more volunteers than usual. Please contact the RBA or myself if you can help day-of-event (and thereby qualify for a social distanced pre-ride). 

Prudent restrictions and required actions or prohibitions are being considered.  We have no crystal ball and must make decisions based on what is known at the time.  Our current plan is to hold events as scheduled.  We will continue this approach until circumstances dictate otherwise.  We are evaluating each event individually.  Should cancellation become necessary, we will do our best to assure that information is quickly communicated.  Pay attention to this website.  Follow the Facebook group.  Follow our blog.  
Stay safe.
Chris  Nadovich
Brevet Organizer

Monday, March 16, 2020

Coronavirus & COVID-19

The impact of coronavirus and COVID-19 on brevet and fleche events is under active discussion among the RBA community.   Prudent restrictions and required actions or prohibitions are being considered.  We have no crystal ball and must make decisions based on what is known at the time.  Our current plan is to hold events as scheduled.  We will continue this approach until circumstances dictate otherwise.  We are evaluating each event individually.  Should cancellation become necessary, we will do our best to assure that information is quickly communicated.  Pay attention to the website.  Follow the Facebook group.  Follow this blog.  All will be updated as soon as any decisions are made.

Andrew Mead
Eastern PA RBA

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Ride Report: International Women's Day Popualire

Riders gather at the Joan of Arc Statue
The weather roller-coaster of 2020 reached a high point on Sunday March 8 and provided a day filled with sunny skies, mild temperatures, and gentle breezes.  All 37 riders who clipped in for the International Women's Day 107k completed the route within time for a 100% completion rate.  This is all the more impressive when one considers that nearly half of the field had never participated in a randonneuring event before.  You will find the preliminary results on the website.  Results will become official once submitted to RUSA later this week.

The group consisted of a good mix of both veteran and first time randonneurs, who braved the chilly early morning temperatures as they headed out from the Joan of Arc statue near the Philadelphia Museum of Art into the north western suburbs.  By the time riders returned to the finish at the Stone Age in America statue most of those early morning layers had been shed, as temperatures became much more mild throughout the day.

The "new to PA Randonneurs" course provided a very good introduction to the many new randonneurs in attendance. With staffed, information, post card, and even a secret control, the riders got to experience every type of control they will come across in longer brevets.  Judging by the smiles and comments of the finishers as they rolled in, the course was well received.  Observant riders might have noticed a continuation of the honoring women theme though careful examination of the post cards mailed at the West Point Post Office controle.

Post ride festivities were graciously hosted by CJ Arayata and Natalie Felice, who live near the finish.  All of those who could make to their house had a great time recapping the day and making plans for future brevets.  A few have already signed up for next weekend's Pagoda 200k.

CJ Arayata has posted a shared photo album where you can stash any additional pictures from the event.

Rider Jim Moore produced a nice video that allows you to relive the experience.

PA Rando veteran Shawn Boyles had this to say of the day:  Thanks again for organizing a ride here in Philadelphia. It was great to ride familiar roads with the PA Rando crew. I hope everyone enjoyed the event. Many thanks to all the volunteers along with CJ and Woody for opening their home up to us.  Shawn had a hand in the route as he was one of the early voices asking for an event starting in the city.

First-time randonneuse Andrea Mules had this to say about the day:  The PA Rando crew is so incredibly warm and welcoming and it was very exciting to join a local ~100k! The route was top notch, and the section between Evansburg and Ambler was probably my favorite section of rollers all day. Perfect weather and great riding companions. Biggest of ups to the folks at the Secret Controle. Those cookies really brought me home to the finish. A cold beer never tasted as good as the one at the afterparty hosted by CJ and Woody. Stoked to do another one of the shorter rando rides with everyone!

Another first-time, Matt Harman writes:  Thank y'all for doing what y'all do. What a wonderful ride, website and company. Thanks for hosting a ride leaving and returning to Philly. I recognize from conversations yesterday this starting location can be limiting. The route was a wonderful way to become acquainted with PA R. 

Matt, like many other of the Philadelphia-based riders, lives car-free. which makes starts in Easton or Lancaster difficult.  Carpools anyone?

Thanks to many people who made this event possible:  To CJ Arayata who became a one-man cheerleader for the event and, along with Woody Felice,  generously opened their home to the post-ride gathering.  To Pat and Cece Gaffney who helped to refine the route and staffed the start and finish controle.
Pat Gaffney at the finish.
To Jim Bondra who staffed the Evansburg controle.  To Sue Proulx and Sue Dasen for staffing a secret controle AND providing tasty treats to energize riders to the finish. 

Secret Sues at the Cemetery
And finally to Chris Nadovich for getting the route ready for RUSA use, organizing the event, and putting up with me through the whole process.  Be sure to thank these people the next time you see them.  They make Pennsylvania Randonneurs' events happen.

Next up is the beginning of the ACP SR Series, the Pagoda 200 on March 14.

Chris Nadovich
- Event Organizer
Andrew Mead
- Eastern PA RBA