Friday, April 22, 2011

Volunteers Needed!

With the spring SR qualifiers getting into full swing, I need some volunteers to step up and help out for the following events:

200k - Saturday May 14
-Afternoon course sweep
-Finish controle

300k - Sunday May 15
-Evening course sweep: Len Zawodniak
-Finish controle: Christine Newman

400k - Friday May 20
-Afternoon course sweep
-Finish controle

1000k - Friday May 20
-Drop Bag / Overnight controle (2 nights)

600k - Saturday May 21
-Overnight controle: Andy Brenner

600k/1000k Finish - Sunday May 22
-Afternoon Course sweep
-Finish Controle

600k - Saturday June 25
-Overnight Controle: Don Jagel
-Course sweep (Sunday afternoon): Len Zawodniak
-Finish Controle (Sunday): Glen Ammons

All volunteers may elect to do a volunteer pre-ride up to 15 days in advance of any event.
With many PBP aspirants headed to Paris this summer, you could make the difference in making somebody's a dream a reality.
Please drop me a note if you can lend me a hand:

-Tom Rosenbauer
Eastern PA RBA

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