Monday, September 16, 2024

2024 Rusty Rail 200K Ride Report

 Four intrepid riders accepted the challenge of the 5th running of the Rusty Rail 200k, successfully assaulting the four epic climbs and finishing the event with aplomb, resulting in a 100% completion rate for 2024.  We were graced with two guest riders on the course: Brad Layman and Patrick Gaffney, pedaling their way through the PA Randonneurs' Endless Mountains Liberty Bell 1234K pre-ride.

Brad and Pat arrive in Lewisburg after riding 440 miles






Thursday, September 5, 2024

Rusty Rail 200k Pre-ride Report

A pre-ride of the Rusty Rail 200k course was conducted on September 4th by me.  In 2024, we return to the original route since the bridge on Miller Rd (mile 64) is back in place.  

The roads are generally in good condition, however, heavy regional rain resulted in a few gravel washes that cross the road and deep erosion of a number of the drainage ditches that line the shoulder.

Back Mountain Road (mile 42), that follows the Milroy controle features the usual deep longitudinal ruts torn out by buggy wheels.  Try not to land your front wheel into one of them.  There is also a fun central depression of the lane from shod horse hooves.  I found it best to ride in the the center of the road when possible.  All attempts to avoid riding through the horse poop on this road are futile-adjust!

Try to suppress your inner Wout van Aert and take care on the steep mountain descents!  Past events have seen crashes on both Ulsh Gap and Tussey Mountain.  Please spare me the paperwork.

The route is generally on tranquil roads, but there are a few high traffic areas to note.  For the most part, there is not a rideable shoulder on the Stone Mountain climb on PA-305 (mile 53).  Stay as far right as possible and hold your line as the cars and trucks blast past.  The climb up Tussey Mountain on PA-26 (mile 65) also involves high speed traffic, but there is a wide shoulder to ride in.  I used a full lane on these two descents when my speed exceeded 25 mph.

The PA-45 intersection at the Centre Hall Sheetz controle (mile 87) can be dangerous due to high traffic volume.  I recommend entering the left turn lane, and then using the curb cut on the corner once you cross PA-45 (immediate right turn).  This will get you onto a sidewalk that leads to the Sheetz parking lot.  When exiting this controle, travel south (same direction, away from PA-45) through the parking lot and exit carefully onto PA-144/Old Fort Rd via a left turn.

The Rusty Rail 200k is a beautiful, but challenging ride.  Bonne route and godspeed to all souls brave enough to clip in at the start on September 14th.


Steven J. Schoenfelder, RUSA #10659

Jo Hays Vista at the top of the Tussey Mountain climb overlooking Happy Valley