The 2017 edition of the PA Randonneurs Fléche gets under way today as the first of nine teams (Fleshe Eating Rumble Ponies) sets out toward our unofficial clubhouse at the Weisel Hostel near Quakertown, PA. The remaining teams will be starting Saturday morning with plans to arrive for a post-fléche breakfast on Sunday morning.
Below are the routes each team plans to follow to reach the hostel.
A few of the teams have SPOT trackers so you can watch their progress when you know you'd rather be riding.
Chiots Errants
Escargots Volants 1
Escargots Volants 2
Fistful of Xanax V2
Fleshe Eating Rumble Ponies 1
Fleshe Eating Rumble Ponies 2
Now You've Gone Too Far
The Midnight Ride of the Sinister Nuts
We wish all riders a fun and safe journey!
*** April 5 Update ***
The flèche roster has been updated with entries received through April 4 and posted on the website. You must notify me of any last-minute roster changes TODAY.
I am still waiting for several registration forms in the mail. If your registration shows as pending on the roster, you must email me to confirm that you plan to ride. The roster will be finalized later today.
Captains should have received either an email containing print masters for the brevet cards or a package in the mail containing the cards. If you have not received these, please contact me immediately.
Finally, if you have any remaining questions just ask.
*** Original Post ***
Captains, please review the roster to assure that I have the correct team and start time. Riders, if you have not yet sent in your registration, please do so at your earliest convenience. If you have NOT mailed your entry to me already, please send me an email confirming your intention. There are a few individuals for whom I have little contact information. Gooseeggs in the roster means I do not have key information. You can always use the Event Registration Form to provide this information easily.
The flèche team line up for 2017:
Escargots Volants: Chris Newman, route approved, start Sa 9:00
Fistful of Xanax: Chris Slocum, route approved, start Sa 8:00
Flèche Mob: Rudy Mayr, route approved, start Sa 8:15
Flèche Eating Rumble Ponies: James Haddad, route approved, start Fr 13:00
Now You've Gone Too Far: Eric Keller, route approved, start Sa 8:00
Sins of the Flèche: James Bondra, route approved, start Sa 9:00
The Midnight Ride of the Sinister Nuts, 10th Anniversary Edition:
Bill Olsen, route approved, start Sa 9:00
Three Rivers of Guiness: Bill Fischer, route approved, start Sa 8:00
Follow this post as I will be incorporating route maps showing each team's planned route leading to the hostel. Two routes remain under review, mostly due to my being behind schedule.
Breakfast plans for Sunday morning are already in the works. Past participants know what to expect. New riders will not go away hungry.
Finally, as many of you participated in the 2016 flèche and may be wondering about the results, I will be placing the 2016 year-end packages in the mail today. All of your 2016 PA Randonneurs brevet cards, flèche certificate, and the year-end results letter are included. Apparently our flèche certificates were placed on a very slow boat from France.
Andrew Mead
- Eastern PA RBA