Sunday, October 20, 2024

Fall Neo Classics 154/200K Ride Report

Preliminary results for the 19th annual Fall Classic 200K brevet and 154K populaire have been posted on the website. Please review the results and inform me of any necessary corrections.  The results will be submitted to RUSA in the coming days and become final pending RUSA certification.  Seven riders clipped in for the 200K,  and three started the 154K.  Nine of ten total finished in good time for a 90% completion rate of the very challenging brevet and populaire.

This was the fourth running of the "Neo" edition classic routes with an Easton Start/Finish and CCW direction up the "easy" sides of most climbs.

Erin Fulton was so unwise as to ride this difficult course as her first 200K brevet. Welcome to randonneuring.  You picked a doozy of a course to start on!!

Ultra volunteer Bill Slabonik spent the day cruising around the course, keeping tabs on the riders and rendering friendly assistance.  Thanks Bill.

We were graced with rather nice weather for late October. Although it started rather chilly, 40s at the start with frost seen on some pumpkins,  it was sunny and near 70 in the middle of the day. Usually riders are shivering at the end of this Fall event, looking for shelter from the cold and a hot bowl of soup. Instead,  we all sat outside comfortably eating burgers at the finish and some riders wanted salt and vinegar for their heat exhaustion cramps.   

Although a few people complained the Fall foliage wasn't quite at peak, even without the full Fall colors, riders generally reported that the Neo-classic was just as scenic as ever. Scenic, of course, is bike rider code for a steady diet of hills to consume, the climb up Dyer hill just outside Easton being an appetizer for the many hilly entrees ahead. 

Recent PA events have had some mishaps as riders sped ahead of their guardian angels. Thankfully, this time riders were more cautious keeping their speed checked on the many descents. There were no reported mishaps.  Good work!

Bob Dye writes...

It was a beautiful ride on a beautiful day. The cafe experience at the finish was pretty beautiful, too. Thanks to Chris and power volunteer Bill Slabonik for another beautifully organized event.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the route immensely. Thank you everyone for being so welcoming! Can't wait for the next one.
