I completed a second pre-ride on Saturday November 2, starting at the same time the event will occur (taking into account the time being set back the next day). It was my first time on the route and it was scenic and challenging. A great course for a cool fall day.
Be sure to read the original notes; everything there still applies. These are some additions:
- Start: There's a Starbucks at the start that opens early. A good option for Starbucks' stuff and restrooms. The ride organizer may be in there when you arrive.
- Pennypack trail - There's a port-o-john at about the mid-point of the trail in case the coffee side-affects kick in early. The overall cue for this section is stay on the trail until Byberry Road.
- There are some shoulderless sections of road throughout the route, be aware, be seen, and know when to take the lane if necessary.
- DNR trail - the DNR trail is crushed stone, similar to Pennypack trail. There was a large tree down near the end of the trail, but it is crossable. The Rangers are aware of the issue so, hopefully, it will be cleared by ride date.
- Refuel at Phillipsburg! The following section has significantly more climbing but significantly fewer services.
- At about mile 87.8, on the other side of the second covered bridge crossing, the Tohickon family campground store has food, water, and restrooms.
- Tabora Farms has fantastic baked goods! Treat yourself!
- Be alert for deer along the Power Line trail especially at dusk and early evening.
- Expect busy traffic in the last few miles of the ride.
- Finally, DON'T TRUST THE BIKE LANE on Fitzwatertown Road mile 119.3 -119.9 (after the 5 points intersection)! Cars park in it and they can be very hard to see at night. Stick to the main part of the road.
See you at the start!